Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tasting - Protocolo Vino De la Tierra de Castilla

Name: Protocolo Vino De la Tierra de Castilla
Variety: Mainly Airen & some Macebeo
Region: Castilla
Country: Spain
Year: 2012
Price: $6.95
Winery Review:
"Mostly Airen with a little bit of Macabeo .Greenish gold. Subtle aromas of mint, lemon and orange, with a hint of honeysuckle. Dry, understated and focused, offering clean citrus and melon flavors and slow-building sweetness. Finishes dry and brisk, with an echo of lemon. As usual, this is an outstanding value."

 My Review: 
The aromas of this wine were quite pleasant; everything from fresh apple to tropical fruit to honey was noticeable.  The flavor was very unique because it went from normal white wine flavors of apple and subtle orange to a more herbal note of mint and lemon.  It was quite crisp and refreshing, a wine that almost reminded me of sipping on a mojito.  I enjoyed this wine very much and didn't try it with any food.

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